Linqing iron and steel industry's first "new version" sewage permit issued smoothly

Description:In 2017, in October 27th, under the joint efforts of the leadership care and leadership of Linqing City, Linqing

In 2017, in October 27th, under the joint efforts of the leadership care and leadership of Linqing City, Linqing Honge Group Limited received the first steel industry "new edition" emission permit issued by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Linqing City. The application of the pollution license of the steel and cement industry is the second industry in accordance with the national unified time. It is also the first certificate issued by the county level environmental protection department to issue the steel and cement industry. In the future, all pollutant discharge units must be licensed to discharge sewage, discharge the pollutants according to the evidence, and do not have no evidence of unlicensed discharge. This also marks the arrival of the "one certificate" management era for the environmental protection of fixed pollution sources.
The new version of pollutant discharge permit is divided into original and duplicate. The original copy of the national unified certificate number and other information, and new two-dimensional code, using a mobile phone scan two-dimensional code can enter the network platform, the basic information of the enterprise, the main pollutant categories and emission information at a glance. The copy has more than 40 pages to record the enterprise's basic pollution information, product capacity and raw and auxiliary material information, production and discharge links and pollution control facilities, pollutant discharge license content, self monitoring requirements, environmental management ledger and so on.
The "new edition" emission permit will be the only administrative license in the production and operation period of the enterprise in the future, and it is an important basis for the discharge units to abide by the law, law enforcement units and social supervision and protection of the law. After the enterprises receive the "new edition" emission permits, they must strictly fulfill the responsibility of the main body of pollution control according to law, and change from the original passive acceptance supervision to the active self proof law. The pollutant discharge must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the copy. At the same time, through the means of self monitoring, account record, periodic report and information disclosure, the pollutant discharge must be self committed, and the enterprise's environmental integrity system is established.


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